Saturday, September 22, 2007

Square Poem #2

I found
letters and wasted
days unfolding

until they cracked
along their creases
like my father's

paper skin.
My eyes blur
the sun turning a corner. I

think back to
the last real winter
and the wind

which shook grout
from the brickwork
of 3803 Laval.

I never learned to
treasure that glass
world or

the ice
February tied around
my blinking eyes.

I found letters and
days unfolding

on the morning
streetcar pulling
around Spadina Crs. Now

I can walk through
the blueprints of

when we moved by omnibus
pulled by draft horses
along iron tracks. We

round a corner
and the sun ignites the dust
rising from the machine.

Ring that doleful
bell and take me
all the way

to Union Station
the dreams of a younger city
made stone.


moonflower said...


Is the formatting off or did you mean for the words to cut off on the right?

Anonymous said...

A new perspective on the age-old theme of Montreal vs. Toronto. Very nice.